Our impact extends far beyond Los Angeles, achieving tangible results in the form of policies and legislation that strengthen the security and well-being of the United States, Israel, and the global Jewish community. For example, AJC Los Angeles was a central force behind passage of the historic California anti-Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) legislation signed into law in 2016. AJC Los Angeles also maintains relationships with legislators throughout the Pacific Southwest, including Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Hawaii.
Through our international relations program, we build deep and lasting bonds with the nearly 100 members of the consular corps posted in the city, many of whom go on to become ambassadors or senior foreign ministry officials. AJC Los Angeles leaders also participate in high-level diplomatic missions around the world, meeting with heads of state from Europe to the Middle East to Asia.
We advance mutual understanding and seek common ground with ethnic and religious groups throughout the Pacific Southwest – particularly with the growing Latino, Asian, and Muslim communities in the region.
Richard S. Hirschhaut became Regional Director of AJC Los Angeles in September 2019. He is the organization’s chief strategist and principal spokesperson in advancing AJC’s global advocacy mission in Southern California, leading a vibrant leadership network and talented professional team.