AJC Jerusalem
As American Jewish Committee’s voice in Israel, AJC Jerusalem has a unique and sacred role—enhancing the everlasting bonds between Israel and world Jewry and making connections across Israeli society. The office regularly engages Israeli government officials, religious leaders, and diplomatic representatives of foreign countries stationed in Israel to share AJC's advocacy positions and analysis.
Our Priorities
AJC on the Ground
AJC was the first American Jewish organization to establish a full-time office in Israel, nearly 60 years ago. Today, AJC Jerusalem serves as a thriving base for AJC’s activities in the Jewish state.
In particular, the office coordinates the activities of AJC Project Interchange, a program that has brought opinion leaders and policymakers from over 100 countries to Israel for weeklong seminars that include intensive travel and learning. Participants gain direct insights into Israeli society and connect with their Israeli counterparts, opening up possibilities for continuing collaboration.