AJC Central Europe

AJC’s Warsaw-based Central Europe Office is building on decades of pioneering AJC initiatives throughout the region.

The Shapiro Silverberg AJC Central Europe Office, opened in early 2017, serves Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Slovakia. In cooperation with local Jewish communities, we promote democratic values and transatlantic relations, enhance ties between Central European countries and Israel, and combat antisemitism and extremism.


AJC on the Ground

American Jewish Committee (AJC) made the decision to establish a permanent, on-the-ground presence in Central Europe for several reasons. First, the seven countries covered by the Shapiro Silverberg AJC Central Europe Office form one-fourth of the current membership of the EU. In addition, all seven are members of NATO and enjoy robust relations with the U.S. and Israel. And, since the fall of the Soviet Union, these countries have experienced a renaissance of Jewish life and a reexamination of their rich and storied Jewish pasts.

Simply put, the region presents strategic opportunities for the Jewish people, Israel, and the transatlantic relationship. Amid political uncertainty on the continent, AJC also wanted to send clear messages of support to institutions like the EU and NATO.

In fact, AJC’s engagement with the region is not new. More than 25 years ago, AJC established the Advancing Democracy program with the German-based Friedrich Naumann Foundation. Nearly 400 Central European leaders have participated in these 10-day seminars. Learn More

Agnieszka Markiewicz's Headshot
Agnieszka Markiewicz
Rubin and Frances Partel Director, Shapiro Silverberg AJC Central Europe Office
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