“The Goyim Know” | #TranslateHate
“The Goyim Know”
meme \ t'hə 'g'i-əm 'nō \
: a catchphrase used to impersonate and mock Jews and the antisemitic conspiracy theories connected to them
“The Goyim Know,” sometimes followed by “Shut It Down,” is a popular antisemitic meme based on conspiracy theories of manipulative Jews with plans of world domination and in control of the media, economy, and governments (see control).

Typically paired with offensive images of a stereotypical Jew talking on a phone or holding a shocked expression, this meme is widely used by white supremacists and other antisemites — on sites like 4chan and 8kun (formerly 8chan) — to mock a panicked Jew whose secret plot or manipulations have been revealed by non-Jewish people, or goyim.
While “goyim” is a term used by some Jews to refer to non- Jews, antisemites and white supremacists have weaponized the word to mock and accuse Jews of promoting a prejudiced support for their own clan.
As it spread online, “The Goyim Know” also made its way offline through an antisemitic song parody by the same name, as well as the phrase appearing on signs during the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Other manifestations of the far-right using “Goyim” to mock Jews are the Goyim Defense League (GDL) and GoyimTV.com.
Translate Hate Glossary
- blood libel
- cabal
- clannish
- conspiracy theory
- control
- cosmopolitan elite
- cowardice
- creatures
- Deadly Exchange
- deicide
- dual loyalty
- (((echo)))
- “From the River to the Sea”
- gaslighting
- Globalist
- “Globalize the Intifada”
- “The Goyim Know”
- Great Replacement
- greed
- Holocaust denial / distortion
- Holohoax
- Illuminati
- Jew Coup
- Jew down
- Jewish agents
- Jewish capitalist
- Jewish communist
- Jewish features
- Jewish figures
- Jewish lightning
- Jewish lobby
- Jewish power
- Judas/30 pieces of silver
- Khazars
- Kike
- kosher tax
- laughing Jew
- Nazi symbols
- New World Order
- “not the real Jews”
- Pepe the frog
- philosemitism
- poisoning the well
- Protocols of the Elders of Zion
- puppet master
- QAnon
- Rothschild
- Satan
- scapegoat
- Semite
- settler colonialist
- silencing
- slavery / slave trade
- smirking merchant
- Soros
- tokenizing
- “Zionism is racism”
- Zionist / “Zio”
- Zionist Occupied Government