kosher tax | #TranslateHate
kosher tax
conspiracy \ 'kō-shər 'taks \
: the idea that food companies and consumers are forced to pay money to support the Jewish religion or Zionist causes and Israel through the costs of kosher certification
Many Jews adhere to religious dietary restrictions, which govern the slaughter of animals and the ingredients and production of various foodstuffs. To assist them, these products are usually marked with a symbol attesting to the fact that they are kosher, such as Ⓚ and Ⓤ.

The kosher tax conspiracy theory states that this kosher certification of products is an extra tax collected from unwitting consumers for the benefit of Jewish organizations. It is mainly spread by antisemitic and white supremacist groups, who claim this to be a “Kosher tax” (or “Jewish tax") that is “extorted” from food companies wishing to avoid a boycott and used to support Zionist causes or the State of Israel.
Translate Hate Glossary
- blood libel
- cabal
- clannish
- conspiracy theory
- control
- cosmopolitan elite
- cowardice
- creatures
- Deadly Exchange
- deicide
- dual loyalty
- (((echo)))
- “From the River to the Sea”
- gaslighting
- Globalist
- “Globalize the Intifada”
- “The Goyim Know”
- Great Replacement
- greed
- Holocaust denial / distortion
- Holohoax
- Illuminati
- Jew Coup
- Jew down
- Jewish agents
- Jewish capitalist
- Jewish communist
- Jewish features
- Jewish figures
- Jewish lightning
- Jewish lobby
- Jewish power
- Judas/30 pieces of silver
- Khazars
- Kike
- kosher tax
- laughing Jew
- Nazi symbols
- New World Order
- “not the real Jews”
- Pepe the frog
- philosemitism
- poisoning the well
- Protocols of the Elders of Zion
- puppet master
- QAnon
- Rothschild
- Satan
- scapegoat
- Semite
- settler colonialist
- silencing
- slavery / slave trade
- smirking merchant
- Soros
- tokenizing
- “Zionism is racism”
- Zionist / “Zio”
- Zionist Occupied Government