Satan | #TranslateHate
noun \ 'seit(ə)n \
: also known as the Devil, Satan is the Western personification of evil. Within Christianity, Satan is also referred to as the tempter, the ruler of demons, and the father of lies

Referring to Jews as Satan or the devil stems from the interpretation of John 8:41-44 in the Christian Bible. Here Jesus says to his fellow Jews, “For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does…. When [the devil] lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
In medieval Christian folklore and artwork, Jews were depicted with grotesque characteristics such as devil’s horns, sharp claws, jagged teeth, pointy ears, and other satanic features to portray the differences between Christianity and Judaism.

Today, Jews and the Jewish State continue to be cast as Satan, demons, vampires, or other demonic figures. Like the deicide charge, antisemitic elements from Christian tradition have been recycled in the Muslim world (see deicide). Israel is demonized and, like the devil, viewed as the “source of evil” in the world. The Islamic Republic of Iran openly calls for Israel’s destruction and refers to the country as the “Little Satan.” Louis Farrakhan has come under fire for ranting about “unmasking the satanic Jew and the synagogue of satan.”
Translate Hate Glossary
- blood libel
- cabal
- clannish
- conspiracy theory
- control
- cosmopolitan elite
- cowardice
- creatures
- Deadly Exchange
- deicide
- dual loyalty
- (((echo)))
- “From the River to the Sea”
- gaslighting
- Globalist
- “Globalize the Intifada”
- “The Goyim Know”
- Great Replacement
- greed
- Holocaust denial / distortion
- Holohoax
- Illuminati
- Jew Coup
- Jew down
- Jewish agents
- Jewish capitalist
- Jewish communist
- Jewish features
- Jewish figures
- Jewish lightning
- Jewish lobby
- Jewish power
- Judas/30 pieces of silver
- Khazars
- Kike
- kosher tax
- laughing Jew
- Nazi symbols
- New World Order
- “not the real Jews”
- Pepe the frog
- philosemitism
- poisoning the well
- Protocols of the Elders of Zion
- puppet master
- QAnon
- Rothschild
- Satan
- scapegoat
- Semite
- settler colonialist
- silencing
- slavery / slave trade
- smirking merchant
- Soros
- tokenizing
- “Zionism is racism”
- Zionist / “Zio”
- Zionist Occupied Government