Soros | #TranslateHate
person \ ‘sORos \
: refers to Hungarian-born Holocaust survivor George Soros, a billionaire philanthropist, who was born Jewish, and champions liberal and progressive causes
George Soros is vilified in some quarters of the world (and revered in others) for supporting progressive causes such as immigration and criminal justice reform. In the U.S., George Soros has been charged by the far-right with funding Black Lives Matter protests and migrant caravans to the southern U.S. border. He is also the namesake of the anti-migrant legislation in his native Hungary (the so-called “Stop Soros law,” which criminalizes aiding migrants) (see laughing Jew, Jewish figures).

Criticizing Soros or his politics and actions is not antisemitic. Indeed, those who have suggested that any criticism is antisemitic do real disservice to the cause of fighting Jew hatred. However, when Soros is used as a symbol for Jewish control, wealth, and power, the criticism may be an updated version of traditional antisemitic tropes (see conspiracy theory, control, Jewish figures, cabal, globalist).
Unfortunately, hatred of George Soros has not remained solely on the Internet. In October 2018, a far-right agitator sent a bomb to his house, as part of a string of bomb threats against prominent Democrats. In early 2023, far-right figures accused George Soros of funding the indictment of former President Donald Trump.
Translate Hate Glossary
- blood libel
- cabal
- clannish
- conspiracy theory
- control
- cosmopolitan elite
- cowardice
- creatures
- Deadly Exchange
- deicide
- dual loyalty
- (((echo)))
- “From the River to the Sea”
- gaslighting
- Globalist
- “Globalize the Intifada”
- “The Goyim Know”
- Great Replacement
- greed
- Holocaust denial / distortion
- Holohoax
- Illuminati
- Jew Coup
- Jew down
- Jewish agents
- Jewish capitalist
- Jewish communist
- Jewish features
- Jewish figures
- Jewish lightning
- Jewish lobby
- Jewish power
- Judas/30 pieces of silver
- Khazars
- Kike
- kosher tax
- laughing Jew
- Nazi symbols
- New World Order
- “not the real Jews”
- Pepe the frog
- philosemitism
- poisoning the well
- Protocols of the Elders of Zion
- puppet master
- QAnon
- Rothschild
- Satan
- scapegoat
- Semite
- settler colonialist
- silencing
- slavery / slave trade
- smirking merchant
- Soros
- tokenizing
- “Zionism is racism”
- Zionist / “Zio”
- Zionist Occupied Government