poisoning the well | #TranslateHate
poisoning the well
trope \ 'poiz(ə)niNG thə wel \
: a smear tactic in which an opponent introduces negative information about their adversaries in order to discredit them. The term derives from the ancient war tactic of poisoning an opponent’s water to diminish his strength

“Poisoning the well,” an accusation rooted in the 14th century Bubonic Plague, blames Jews for purposefully spreading disease. As the Black Death spread across Europe, Jews were accused of spreading the disease through public drinking wells. Thousands of innocent Jews were murdered in response. This trope can be found on all sides of the political spectrum — from Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, which accused Jews of being “vermin” and spreading bacteria, to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s diatribes labeling Jews as “termites” also spreading disease. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Jews were blamed by other figures on various far-right fringe platforms for creating and/or purposefully spreading COVID-19. This trope reached a more mainstream audience on the right and the left, when political cartoons and statements were made saying Israel (or “Zionists”) spread the infection and even created COVID-19 in order to hurt the Palestinians and/or profit off the vaccine.
Translate Hate
Translate Hate Glossary
- blood libel
- cabal
- clannish
- conspiracy theory
- control
- cosmopolitan elite
- cowardice
- creatures
- Deadly Exchange
- deicide
- dual loyalty
- (((echo)))
- “From the River to the Sea”
- gaslighting
- Globalist
- “Globalize the Intifada”
- “The Goyim Know”
- Great Replacement
- greed
- Holocaust denial / distortion
- Holohoax
- Illuminati
- Jew Coup
- Jew down
- Jewish agents
- Jewish capitalist
- Jewish communist
- Jewish features
- Jewish figures
- Jewish lightning
- Jewish lobby
- Jewish power
- Judas/30 pieces of silver
- Khazars
- Kike
- kosher tax
- laughing Jew
- Nazi symbols
- New World Order
- “not the real Jews”
- Pepe the frog
- philosemitism
- poisoning the well
- Protocols of the Elders of Zion
- puppet master
- QAnon
- Rothschild
- Satan
- scapegoat
- Semite
- settler colonialist
- silencing
- slavery / slave trade
- smirking merchant
- Soros
- tokenizing
- “Zionism is racism”
- Zionist / “Zio”
- Zionist Occupied Government
- Take the Quiz
Translate Hate Glossary