What Is the AJC New England Global Advocacy Fellowship?

AJC New England’s Global Advocacy Fellowship is an exceptional program that provides an in-depth view of AJC’s Global Advocacy program. Fellows meet with AJC leaders, stationed in bureaus around the world, to learn about AJC’s unique approach. In the process, they receive an insider’s perspective on global, domestic, and regional issues that impact Jewish life, and the strategies used by AJC to address these matters and realize far-reaching impact. Fellows are provided opportunities to apply what they have learned through consideration of specific case studies that address issues concerning antisemitism, Israel, campus affairs, interreligious and intergroup issues, and more. 

What is the Format for the Global Advocacy Fellowship Program?

The Global Advocacy Fellowship is a five-session program from November, 2023, through March, 2024. Sessions will take place from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at a location in Newton, MA to accommodate participation by AJC diplomats and advocates from around the world. In addition, Fellows may be invited to participate in AJC diplomatic and political meetings, board events, and other AJC New England advocacy initiatives. Selected Fellows will:  

  • Attend in-person sessions conducted by regional, national, and international AJC experts to learn about AJC’s unique diplomatic approach, locally, nationally, and globally.
  • Learn how to be more effective advocates for the Jewish community and Israel. 
  • Engage with a network of like-minded, motivated individuals.
  • Have the opportunity to meet with diplomats, legislators, interfaith partners, and community leaders.
  • Participate in AJC Insider Briefings.
  • After completion of the program, have the opportunity to explore regional leadership opportunities with AJC. 

Who is Eligible to Participate?

AJC Global Advocacy Fellows are selected from among exceptional leaders in their late 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, who have a demonstrated interest in Jewish leadership and advocacy, an interest in learning the fundamentals of AJC’s unique approach to global Jewish advocacy, and a motivation to apply what they learn regionally, nationally, and/or globally. Successful candidates will demonstrate some or all the following qualities:

  • Demonstrated commitment to the health and welfare of the Jewish community.
  • Interest in global affairs.
  • Enthusiasm for building strong and involved activist communities. 
  • Motivation to be a change agent and capacity to lead.
  • Ability to embrace complex issues, listen to other points of view and advocate.
  • Desire to build a strong robust future for Jews and other vulnerable peoples in New England, the U.S., Israel, and around the world. 

Is There a Fee to Participate?


What are the 2023-2024 Meeting Dates: 

Nov. 8, 2023 
Dec. 7, 2023 
Jan. 10, 2024  

Feb. 7, 2024 
March 6, 2024 

2024 AJC New England Diplomats Seder March 24, 2024 

For more information, please contact us at [email protected]Applications are due by Oct. 30, 2023.   
Click here to apply. 

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