May 13, 2020
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc across the globe, some countries have been more successful in battling the virus than others. Notably, in Denmark, Austria, and Israel the number of new infections has gone down and authorities are now starting ease restrictions. As more and more countries move into uncharted waters in the weeks and months to come, finding the right strategy to end the lockdown will be a major challenge for governments, businesses, health sectors and civil society.
Dr. Lidegaard, writer, historian and advisor, from Denmark; Mag. Foitik, Member of the Managing Board of Red Cross, from Austria; and Prof. Balicer, Director of the Clalit Research Institute from Israel, speak about their countries’ best practices fighting the virus, potential strategies to reconcile public health and the economic recovery, as well as deepening European-Israeli cooperation in the health and research sectors as the pandemic unfolds.
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