For all his declarations on his commitment to Palestinian self-determination and statehood, Palestinian Authority President Abbas’ approach continues to move us further and further away from that reality. 

In looking towards the future, President Abbas outlined conditions for Israel and the international community to meet under a new peace plan, but failed to recognize or mention any of the internal reforms that must take place. You cannot preach peace on the global stage while simultaneously working to institutionalize hate. Palestinian reforms regarding the removal of hateful and inciteful rhetoric in their educational curriculum and textbooks are long overdue, as is the dismantling of the abhorrent continuing practice of payment structures that reward “martyrdom” – often referred to as “pay for slay.”

It is only through direct talks with Israel that Palestinians can fully realize their national aspirations – statements undermining the legitimacy of Israel’s creation and moves to suspend Israel from the United Nations only undermine the pursuit of peace and cooperation. Unfortunately, since October 7, the Palestinian Authority has made multiple attempts to work around rather than with Israel – violating existing agreements, which clearly state that permanent status issues are subject to agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. 

As we prepare to memorialize the one year anniversary of October 7, the Jewish people continue to grapple with the reality of hostages still being held by Hamas, that Israel is now facing hostilities on multiple fronts, and that 60,000 Israelis in the north of the country are unable to return to their homes. Across the border, Palestinians are also contending with massive devastation and loss of life in Gaza. Given these realities, AJC is under no illusions that a definitive resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be simple - or is close at hand. However, with pragmatism and visionary leadership, AJC continues to imagine, and strive for, a more hopeful future in which Israelis’ security requirements and Palestinians’ political aspirations can be fulfilled.

For there to be real, lasting peace and security  – something both Israelis and Palestinians deserve – there must be a functioning Palestinian government that is free from corruption, renounces hate and terror with one clear voice, and is dedicated to the actual betterment of its people. Palestinian leadership - as well as the international community - must understand the daily threats facing the Jewish State and dedicate itself to a future of mutual understanding and nonviolence. 


AJC is the global advocacy organization for the Jewish people. With headquarters in New York, 25 regional offices across the United States, 15 overseas posts, as well as partnerships with 38 Jewish community organizations worldwide, AJC’s mission is to enhance the well-being of the Jewish people and Israel and to advance human rights and democratic values in the United States and around the world. For more, please visit
