Suggested Language to Designate AJC as a Charitable Beneficiary of Your Estate Plans
Sample Provision for General Bequests to AJC
“I bequeath to the AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (hereinafter referred to as "AJC"), a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, with headquarters at 165 East 56 Street, New York, NY 10022, the sum of _____ ($___) DOLLARS [or] ____ Percent (___%) of my [residuary] estate to support the general charitable purposes of AJC's mission.”
Sample Provision for Bequests to AJC's General Endowment Fund:
“I bequeath to the AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (hereinafter referred to as "AJC"), a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, with headquarters at 165 East 56 Street, New York. NY 10022, the sum of _____ ($___) DOLLARS to be designated for AJC's General Endowment Fund. It is my intention that only the income therefrom be directed annually to support AJC's global Jewish advocacy mission in perpetuity.”
Tax Information
Legal Name: American Jewish Committee
Tax ID Number: 13-5563393
To learn more or if you have already included AJC as a charitable beneficiary of your estate plans, please contact:
Rachel A. Gross
Senior Director of Planned Giving
215.665.2300 ext. 7
[email protected]