Exposing Radicalism
Countering radical Islam and extremist political parties
Through our Paris office, AJC is actively engaging political, civil society, cultural, and religious leaders to grapple with the rise of Islamist radicalism, as well as the extreme right-wing reaction it has triggered in France and several other European countries.
We identify and empower moderate voices in French government and civil society, and we partner with like-minded groups to combat the growing populist forces that threaten the social fabric of France and other democracies.
Through research, conferences, digital media campaigns, and diplomacy, AJC aspires to increase awareness within French society and among its leaders about the need to fight Islamist terrorism and to reject extremism in all its forms.

Le Sursaut: The Wake-Up Call
In April 2016, AJC Paris organized a groundbreaking conference entitled “Le Sursaut: The Wake-Up Call,” which sounded the alarm against radical Islam and far-right populism in France and across Europe. Le Sursaut brought together 1,000 representatives of European governments and the EU; members of civil society; young leaders; academics; artists; and journalists. Then-French Prime Minister Manuel Valls delivered impassioned remarks at the closing session, saying, “I thank AJC and all its partners for having created this Wake-Up Call conference. We have to give a very strong political answer. We all have to confront our societal problems and steadfastly reaffirm our values. I am convinced of the necessity of your 'wake-up call.'”