Today, a new strategy for combating antisemitism was announced by the European Union. Does it have a chance to help Jews in Europe? What are the plan’s implications for diaspora Jewish communities outside of the continent? Two of AJC’s leaders in Europe who have worked closely with the EU and member state governments in the effort to counter rising Jew-hatred, Simone Rodan-Benzaquen, Managing Director of AJC Europe, and Daniel Schwammenthal, Director of AJC’s Transatlantic Institute, answer these questions and more in this special bonus episode of AJC’s People of the Pod

Throughout the month of October, AJC’s People of the Pod will focus on the rise of antisemitism around the world and what it means for all diaspora Jewish communities and Israel.

Listen to this episode on Apple PodcastsSpotify, and Google Podcasts.

Episode Lineup:

  • (0:40) Simone Rodan-Benzaquen and Daniel Schwammenthal 

Show Notes:

  • To learn more about the antisemitism in Europe that led to this report, go to
  • Tune in on Thursday for our conversation on how to sue a Nazi with Amy Spitalnick, Executive Director of Integrity First for America.