December 20, 2024 — Los Angeles, CA
AJC Los Angeles today welcomed the announcement of agreements between the Department of Education and UCLA and UC Santa Barbara, which include training for university employees, public safety officers, and law enforcement “about the university’s policies, procedures, and obligations under Title VI” and measures to ensure these schools better communicate with students who have made Title VI complaints and the student body at large about antisemitism on campus.
“Students at UCLA and UC Santa Barbara have faced unprecedented and unacceptable levels of antisemitism and we are glad to see these new agreements with the Department of Education which – if properly implemented by the schools’ administrations – will help make these campuses a safer and more welcoming place for Jews and all students,” said AJC Los Angeles Regional Director Richard S. Hirschhaut.
“Amid the toxic and dangerous climate arising from the encampment on the UCLA campus last spring, AJC Los Angeles convened an urgent media briefing at the Hillel Student Center to enable students, faculty, and prominent alumni to raise their voices, in solidarity and safety, to implore university administration to enforce its own codes of conduct. Today’s announcement affirms the deep concern and genuine courage expressed that day.”