Hardly a week passes without a media report concerning the growing chasm between American Jews and Israelis over issues of culture, religion and politics. The recent Israeli elections may aggravate the divide.
“If Only Israel (IOI) syndrome,” a term I began using several years ago, is the misguided notion, peddled in the name of Israel's “best interests” by some in the diplomatic, academic, and media worlds, that if only Israel did this or that, peace with the Palestinians would be at hand.
As Hamas fired deadly missiles at Israel for 11 straight days, Israel’s critics fired one verbal salvo after another. Unable or unwilling to distinguish between a terrorist organization, Hamas, seeking Israel’s destruction, and a democratic country trying to deny the group’s wish, they went for the jugular. Here are 15 of the most memorably outrageous accusations.
Fifty-five years ago this month, the Six Day War broke out. Without an understanding of what happened in the past, it’s impossible to grasp where we are today — and where we are has profound relevance for the region and the world.
On July 18, 1994, Hezbollah, an Iran-backed terror group, bombed AMIA, the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, Argentina. More than 30 years later, it remains the deadliest antisemitic attack outside Israel since the Holocaust.