The Center for Education Advocacy at American Jewish Committee (AJC) team consists of content experts and skilled educators who are available to provide you and your administrative cohort with strategic guidance on confronting and countering campus antisemitism. We offer a range of educational resources and programs designed to support more meaningful campus dialogues about Jewish identity, history, and culture, and leadership orientation based on current national data and trends. Contact us to discuss how we can help.

Strategic Guidance:

AJC’s educational work foregrounds the approach of the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, which views antisemitism as a society-wide problem that requires a whole-of-society approach to effectively confront. By fostering free and open exchange, fact-based inquiry, and the pursuit of truth, higher educational institutions have a uniquely important role to play in countering antisemitism and the pathways through which it spreads. We would be happy to discuss specific strategies to shift your campus atmosphere that work cooperatively with the existing structures of your school.

Please see our recent strategic guidance and action plans with short-, medium-, and long-term recommendations for confronting campus antisemitism: 

Educational Programs:

We offer expert-led and data-driven briefings, education and trainings for college and university senior leadership teams, administrators, faculty, staff, and students on the following topics:

  • Jewish history, identities and cultures
  • Jews, race, and making sense of Jewish difference
  • Israel, Zionism, and modern Jewish identity
  • Understanding historical and modern manifestations of antisemitism 
  • Building campus communities that are inclusive of Jewish students and resilient against hate

Our Education Team:

AJC’s strategic engagement with university administrators and faculty is led by Director of Academic Affairs, Sara Coodin, Ph.D., who was an Associate Professor of Classics and Letters at the University of Oklahoma before joining AJC. Dr. Coodin has published extensively on premodern ideas about Jews and race and their relationship to modern-day antisemitism. 

AJC’s Center for Education Advocacy is led by Laura Shaw Frank, Ph.D., a modern Jewish history scholar with over 20 years of teaching, curricular, and education administration experience, including 17 years in the classroom. 

Reach Out!

Please contact us for counsel or to discuss which educational programming would work best for your campus community: [email protected].

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